To All My Followers

I have been fighting with Wp all morning

And haven’t made much head way

Today is……….

My one year anniversary with this blog

I would like to say thank you to all my loyal followers for their support and encouragement

May we all be in excellent health to celebrate

next year

In addition much to my frustrations,there is a post at the very beginning

Called The New Beginning,Anniversary

Please go and check it out

This is where it all began and I am very proud of this post

Do me this favor

I’ll owe you one

As always Sheldon

AKA The Professional Cannon

29 thoughts on “To All My Followers

  1. Just saw this! Congratulations! I’ve been here on WP in one form or another since the middle of 2007 (maybe earlier — lost track). Happy to have found you, to Follow. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Belated first anniversary, which gift is it that you buy??? HAHA I started in 2005 and it’s been a ride. It is no different then hanging with different crowds. I went the sweet lady who was a caregiver to my grandparent and taking photos of bus in my back yard. You should my post “The Asp Wrangler” unless your from the south you probably haven’t encountered an Asp and your very lucky. We can pretend we said a cheer and clinked beer mugs. I don’t drink anymore but in the blog world no-one would know that. It’s crazy in our corner of WP, I love it. It’s been hard for me being so sick with Lyme, it’s hard to keep up when you feel like your dying. I’m feeling better but still have a year to 18 months of drugs that are killing me to kill the parasites. Make sure you where 20% Deet in your sunscreen or spray if out where any ticks or mosquitos would hang.
    Enough about me, I’ve told you more in one night than since we first met.
    Have a good weekend. Oh…..while I’m thinking about it, I am looking for 1-3 additional people to join Survivors Blog Here, if anyone comes to mind I would appreciate a heads up. I’ve missed out on so much the past two years, I don’t have to to surf blogs. You also have a different following. Actually I’m not sure how you found my site and why you follow me. I’ve been told my site is to serious. That’s funny because my personality is very different. After almost dying you don’t worry about much.

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